Aku tidak pernah memotong poni rambut ku. Namun, karena kekasihku mengatakan bahwa aku akan lebih cantik dengan pake poni, maka aku potong pendek... Yahh... memang lebih cantik sih. Tetapi karena aktivitas yang mengharuskan memakai jepit rambut, maka aku putuskan untuk membeli sepasang jepit rambut bewarna biru.

My partner told me, "sharing your knowledge will make it more useful & ever lasting when you share it", this blog, thus, comes up. The information is not purely comes up from me, it comes from books, lectures, internet, instead. So, Let's get a little information from this. A bunch of thanx to 'my partner'
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Cubing Technique to Describe A Doll, Named Owly
Ada berbagai cara kita bisa menulis deskriptif,
salah satu caranya adalah dengan Cubing teknik. Cara ini saya dapatkan dari
Prof. Bambang Yudi C. pada matkul Teaching of Writing di semester 2 dulu.
Lumayan, hasil tulisan saya mendapat nilai 80 or 85 (agak lupa… berapa nilai
Thursday, February 28, 2013
‘Korean Wave’ – The Pop Culture Comes As Cultural and Economic Imperialism in Asia
2PM |
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Being Critical Thinking: A Review of Our Thinking
People go to schools and spend amount of hours in their life span in order to develop what so called as critical thinking. Teachers as well as politicians attend many seminars in order to maintain what some experts said as critical thinking. The amusing question is why does everybody should develop critical thinking.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Reading Techniques
Reading Techniques
There are several reading techniques that can be applied in the classroom, such as SQ3R, Jigsaw, KWL, PQ4R, NHT, QARs, DR-TA, and Reciprocal Reading. Here is a brief explanation how to have it in our classroom.
1. SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review)
Before you read, Survey the chapter:
- the title, headings, and subheadings
- captions under pictures, charts, graphs or maps
- review questions or teacher-made study guides
- introductory and concluding paragraphs
- summary
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